Activate Prosperity & Vitality in Business

SRT – Spiritual Response Therapy

SRT is the meticulous process of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to discover and release blocks to health, happiness and spiritual growth and will enhance all areas of your life.

This powerful and effective system allows us to get to the root of issues so you can quickly transmute deep-seated subconscious beliefs that have been preventing you from living a deeply fulfilling life and attaining your highest potential.


 Release the Negative Patterns that are holding you in suffering and preventing True Happiness and Deep Inner Peace

Even though many of these patterns are irrational, because they are usually established at an early age they are simply accepted by the subconscious. When this unresolved energy is discordant they have a very powerful potential of causing pain and trauma in a person’s life.

Once a belief system has been established there can be a bulldog-like tendency to maintain it at all costs, even if its hurtful, and eventually makes us sick.

Some events leave us with deep-seated desires to punish ourselves and we end up on a slow suicide mission using workaholism, drugs, and toxic relationships to try and avoid the pain or become ill.

It’s all too easy to get caught in patterns of holding onto things that we don’t need, from traumatic life events, inherited DNA in the genes, and imprints from an early age. Whatever is set up in the subconscious mind, whether good or bad, will be fulfilled. This is one of the reasons why a staggering  64% of smokers who are diagnosed with cancer carry on smoking.

Why choose SRT

✓ SRT can help to accelerate your growth and transform emotional and physical issues including:

âś“ Release negative thoughts and emotions like anger, hopelessness, abandonment, betrayal, conflict, toxic shame, panic, resentment, fear or rejection.

âś“ Break old habits, procrastination, people-pleasing, and addictions

✓ Allergies and food intolerances 

✓ Weight issues

✓ Chronic pain

✓ Illness and disease

✓ Anxiety and fear 

✓ Grief

✓ Bad luck and clumsiness 

✓ Lack consciousness and poverty vows blocking prosperity and abundance

✓ Elevate or eliminate false beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes

✓ Attain greater clarity, balance, joy, and harmony

âś“ Attain greater clarity, balance, joy, and harmony

âś“ Clear stuck energies and repeating cycles of limiting behaviours

âś“ Clear past life energies and programs

âś“ Improve current relationships of all types (family, spouse, work, finances, friends, pets, etc.)

âś“ Clear negative/ discordant energies from your home

âś“ Depression and lethargy

âś“ Toxic relationships 

âś“ Self-doubt, confidence, low-self esteem 

âś“ Anger, lethargy, exhaustion, fear, scarcity patterns.

âś“ Release patterns of being a slave to your emotions, the past, and life events that you have no control over

âś“ Stress relief

âś“ Boost immune system, increase vitality levels

âś“ Increase your earning potential

âś“ Learning blocks

âś“ Improve your business or career

Book a SRT Session

WOW Im blown away by our SRT session. Letting go of the helplessness and self punishment patterns have given me such sweet inner peace – that tyrannical bully that was always criticising me and having me in a state of panic has finally shut up!! Im feeling much more empowered and confident too

WOW Im blown away by our SRT session. Letting go of the helplessness and self punishment patterns have given me such sweet inner peace – that tyrannical bully that was always criticising me and having me in a state of panic has finally shut up!! Im feeling much more empowered and confident too

Property Clearings

Transform Your Property for Vitality, Peace, and Success

Your home or workspace is your sanctuary. 

Just as our mindset affects our success, the energy of our homes and offices plays a crucial role in vitality levels, inner peace, and productivity. Negative energy can hinder relaxation, creativity, and overall well-being.

By utilising Spiritual Response Therapy, we address the unique energy of your property, considering the land, building, and individuals present to create a more harmonious and energising environment. 

Property clearings are essential for creating a conducive environment for meditation, relaxation, events, and work. 

Freeing your surroundings from negative entities and disruptive energies allows you to fully engage in tasks, unburdened by external influences.

Properties hold consciousness and require periodic clearing to maintain vitality and positive energy. 

Spiritual Response Therapy brings balance, harmony, and renewed vitality to your property.

Land or buildings may require the following:

✓ Removing negative entities or discarnates

✓ Closing portals 

✓ Removing accumulated discordant energies 

✓ Sealing cracks or pits

✓ Clearing the land

✓ Clearing Toxic Streams & negative laylines

✓ Raising the level of Consciousness 

✓ Clearing the accumulation of discordant thought forms

Experience the transformative power of property clearing and unlock the true potential of your space for success and well-being. 

Create a revitalized environment that supports your goals.

Book a SRT Package

5 Essential Shifts to Transform Stress and Struggle into Happiness, Vitality, and Radiant Health

Then you can enjoy your success without burnout and learn to flourish during challenging times